
muOS Core Builder

To build all cores defined in core.json, run:

./ -a

To build specific cores, specify their names as arguments:

./ -c dosbox-pure sameboy

To purge any existing core repositories add the -p switch:

./ -p -c dosbox-pure sameboy

Please Note

Core Structure

The branch and commands sections are completely optional and can be omitted.

Example Core (SameBoy)

  "sameboy": {
    "source": "",
    "directory": "SameBoy",
    "output": "",
    "make": {
      "file": "Makefile",
      "args": "",
      "target": ""
    "symbols": 0,
    "commands": {
      "pre-make": [
        "make clean >/dev/null 2>&1",
        "printf '\\n\\t\\tBuilding Boot ROMs\\n'",
        "make bootroms >/dev/null 2>&1",
        "printf '\\n\\t\\tPre-generating Libretro Source\\n'",
        "make libretro >/dev/null 2>&1",
        "cd libretro"
      "post-make": [
        "cd .."

Additional Notes